Saturday, December 21, 2013
At the pool
At the swimming pool with my lovely friend ♥♥♥ Lol i drawned in kids pools since am not good at swimming i thought that i was going to die hehehe........hey palz plz teach me how to swim!!!
Can't wait to get ur responses lol☜
hey guyz here is your one and only natasha angels heart with another hot quotes abt love lol...!!!
Am sorry for those who dont like quotes abt love,this time i have translated in korean too. so its pretty easy to get straight to your "oblangata"...enjoy kkk
korean love quotes translations
내 눈엔...
너 만 보인다는말...
난...거짓말이라고 생각해...
내눈엔 많은 사람들이 보여..
그 치만..그 많은 사람들 중에서
" 너만을 찾게돼..."
In my eyes...
The saying that you're the only one I see...
That, I believe is a lie...
In my eyes, I see a lot of people...
But, throughout that group of people,
I only search for you.
"첫눈에 반하는것... 일분 걸린다.
누군가를 좋아하게 되는것... 한시간.
누군가를 사랑하게 되는 시간... 하루..
누군가를 잊는것... 평생 걸린다.."
-진주 목걸이
It takes one minute to fall in love at first sight...
One hour to like someone...
One day to love someone...
And a lifetime to forget someone...
좋아했던 그사람한테 문자를 보냈어
용기가 없어서; 번호없이 문자를보냈어
그리고 얼마후에 번호없이 문자가왔어
To that person I like, I sent that person a text message.
I sent this without a number (so that person wouldn't know who sent it, because that person was shy)
"I want to see you"
And then, after a while I got a text message without a number that said..
"Me too."
" 내 눈은 너만 찾고
내 머리가 너만 기억하고 있고
내 입이 니 이름안 외치고 있잖아
이젠 나 어떻하면 좋니?
내 맘은 너밖에 없는데
미칠겄 갔은데 ...
"My eyes only find you
My mind only remembers you
I'm only yelling your name
What am I supposed to do?
My heart only knows you ..
I think I'm going to go crazy ... "
사랑이란건.. 비오는날 우산을 씌워주는게 아니라...
같이 함께 비를 맞는것이다..
love is.... not giving an umbrella when it's a rainy day
but walking together in the rain.
"첫눈에 반하는것... 일분 걸린다.
누군가를 좋아하게 되는것... 한시간.
누군가를 사랑하게 되는 시간... 하루..
누군가를 잊는것... 평생 걸린다.."
Falling for someone when you first see takes a minute
Getting to like hour
Getting to love day
Forgetting that takes a lifetime.
"내가 '사랑한다' 말하며
그댄 '미안하다' 하겟죠"
If I tell you that I love you,
All you'll probably say to me is "I'm sorry"
" 널 그리다 .. 지우다 .. 다시또 꿈꾼다 ... "
"I'll draw you, then erase you...but dream of you again"
살고 싶어서 사는 사람은 없다.
모두다 사랑을 하고 싶어서 산다.
내가 너 없이 못 사는 것처럼...
너 하나를 위해서 산다.
Nobody lives because they want to,
They live so they can love someone.
Just like how I can't like without you,
I live for you.
I love you.
기다리는 법은 아는데,
다가가는 법을 모른다.
사랑하는 법은 아는데,
표현하는 법을 모른다.
내 마음은 아는데,
너의 마음을 모른다.
내가 널 얼마나 사랑하고 아껴도,
너의 대한것은 많이 모를것이다..
넌 아직 내남자가 아니기에..
I know how to wait ,
but I don't know how to approach.
I know how to love,
but I don't know how to express it.
I know how I feel about you,
but I don't know how you feel.
I know that although I love you so much and care for you,
I wouldn't know that much about you...
Why you ask?
Because you're not my guy yet...
사랑은 파트너쉽이 아니야
그냥 주고 또 주고... 자신이 가진것 몽땅 주고
더 주고싶은 마음이 사랑이래...
-이재인 (강동원)
Love is not a partnership
Just giving and giving more... wanting to give more
after giving everything you have, that's what love is.
-Lee Jae In (Kang Dong Won)
하늘에 소중한건 별이고
땅에게 소중한건 꽃이고
나에게 소중한건 당신입니다
To the sky a star is precious
To the earth a flower is precious
What's precious to me is you
내가 이 지구의 태어나서 너를 만난서 너무 감사해.
I'm so glad I was born on earth and met you.
니가 없었으면 후회만 했을꺼야.
I will regret it if ur not here.
너 없이는 숨을 못쉰다는 그런말은 않 할께.
I will never say that without you i will never be able to breathe
그런데, 난 다시 태어나도 너랑 같이 함께 있고 싶다는 말 하고 싶어.
But, I wanna tell you that if i'm born again, I want to be with you.
지금 널 만난 내 자신은... 니가 없으면 죽을꺼 같으니깐.
My truth about meeting you... if ur not here, i feel like dying
니가 내 근처에 없는걸 상상을 못하기에...
i can't imagine you not by my side.
하루종일 펑펑 울다가 어떡해 될질 잘 몰르겠어.
Everyday crying, I dont no wats going to happen.
너무 힘들꺼 같아.
I think it'll be too hard
사람의 인생은 아주 짧아, 하지만 그 짧은 시간을 너와 함께 하고 싶어.
People's lives are very short, during those short lives. i want to be with u
너를 영원히 사랑할께.
I will love you forever
i love you
간섭할꺼다 자격있으니깐
I'm going to look after u cause i have the right too
니가 손 안 잡아주면 내가 먼저 잡을꺼다 내꺼니깐
if u dont hold my hands, im going to hold ur hands first
니 친구들한테 잘할거다 니가 좋아하는 사람들이니깐
im going to be a good person to ur friends since those r the people u love
안아플거다 니가 걱정하니깐
im not going to be sick cause ur going to worry about me
dont be sick cause ill be worried about u
다른여자안볼꺼다 내 마음 하나니깐♡
i wont look at any other girls cause ur the only girl in my heart
다른남자 보지마라 니 마음도 하나일테니깐
dont look at other guys cause in ur heart in the only one in it
많은 사람들이랑 같이있어도 니 옆에만 서있을꺼다 니 남자니깐
even when im surrounded my many ppl ill always be by ur side cause im ur man
아무여자옆에서 술안먹을꺼다 손잡아주는사람없으니깐
ill never drink in front of any other girls because there wont be a person who will grab on to my hands(?)
가끔씩은 팅길꺼다 내가 너무 끌려가면 니가 질려할테니
Somtimes ill be mean to you. When u only see one side of m, you'll get tired of me
힘들게 안할거다 나도 힘들어봤으니깐
i'll never make u tired because i kno how it feels like begin tired
믿을꺼다 사귀면 믿어야하니깐
ill trust u because when u go out with someone, ur suppose to trust them
다른 남자 못만나게 할거다 내 여자니깐♥
ill never let u meet other guys cause ur my girl
안헤어질거다 많이 좋아하니깐♡
ill never break uo with u because i love you a lot
안보내줄거다 안간다 했으니깐
im not going to let go of u because u said u'll never leave me
잘할거다 니도 잘한다고했으니깐
im going to be a good person to u because u said you'll be a good person to me
지금보다 더 많이 좋아할거다 앞으로도오랫동안같이 있을거니깐..♥
im going to love u more than i do right now because from now on im going to be with u for a very long time
i love these kind of guys
그는 오지 않아
he;s not coming back
응 알고있어
그 사람을 기다리는게 아니야
yeah i konw
i'm not waiting for that person
그 사람에게로 간 내 마음
내 마음이 돌아오길 기다려
i waiting for my heart
my heart that went to him
한여자가 한남자에게 물었다,
"그녀와 당신은 무슨 사이인가요..?"
"애인사이? 사랑하는 사이?"
그남자는 아무말도 하지않았다..
오직 이말뿐..
"내 목숨.."
one women asked one man
'what relationship are you with her?"
"boyfriend girlfriend? lovers?'
the guy didn't say anything...
but this...
'my life.'
좋은 옷 보면 생각나는 거, 그게 사랑이야.
맛있는 거 보면 같이 먹고 싶고
좋은 경치 보면 같이 보고 싶은 거
나쁜게 아니라 좋은 거 있을 때
여기 그 사람이 있었으면 좋겠다, 생각하는 거
그게 사랑인 거야. 그건 누가 많이 가지고
누가 적게 가지고 있어서
그러는 게 아닌 거야.
나쁜 게 아니라, 좋은 거 있을 때
여기 그 사람이 있었으면 좋겠다, 생각하는 거
그게 사랑인 거야.
When you see pretty clothes, that person you think of, that's love.
When you see something yummy, you want to share it with them
When you see pretty scenery, you want to see it with them
Not bad things, but when there are good things ..
"I wish that person was here with me" .. thinking like that
That's what love is. It's not who has a lot
and who doesn't have much
It's not like that
Not bad things, but when there are good things ..
"I wish that person was here with me" .. thinking like that
That's what love is.
마지막으로 그녀가 나한테 물었다, "사랑이 뭘까...?"
내가 대답했다, "... 바로 너."
for the very last time, she asked me "what do you think love is...?"
i answered, "'s you."
"안돼!!!! 나만 봐!!!"
"Nooo!!!! only look at me!!!"
"넌 내꺼야!"
"You're mine!"
my legs are shaking
my mind is confused (?)
my heart is tangled
my tears are stained
I can't grasp why I'm so sad.
I can't treat the pains in my heart
and you see me like this..
still are you happy?
내 다리가 후들거리고 있는데
내 마음이 휘청거리고 있는데
내 가슴이 엉켜져버렸는데
내 눈물이 얼룩져버렸는데
내 슬픔은 걷잡을 수도 없는데
내 아픔은 치유될 수도 없는데
이런 내 모습을 보고도
넌 정말 행복해 ?
i miss you.. like crazy
간섭할꺼다 자격있으니깐
니가 손 안 잡아주면 내가 먼저 잡을꺼다 내꺼니깐
니 친구들한테 잘할거다 니가 좋아하는 사람들이니깐
안아플거다 니가 걱정하니깐
다른여자안볼꺼다 내 마음 하나니깐♡
다른남자 보지마라 니 마음도 하나일테니깐
많은 사람들이랑 같이있어도 니 옆에만 서있을꺼다 니 남자니깐
아무여자옆에서 술안먹을꺼다 손잡아주는사람없으니깐
가끔씩은 팅길꺼다 내가 너무 끌려가면 니가 질려할테니깐
힘들게 안할거다 나도 힘들어봤으니깐
믿을꺼다 사귀면 믿어야하니깐
다른 남자 못만나게 할거다 내 여자니깐♥
안헤어질거다 많이 좋아하니깐♡
안보내줄거다 안간다 했으니깐
잘할거다 니도 잘한다고했으니깐
지금보다 더 많이 좋아할거다 앞으로도오랫동안같이 있을거니깐..♥
i'm going to annoy you.. because i have the right to do so
if you are not going to hold my hand, then i will because it's mine
i won't be in pain because you will always worry for me
don't be in pain because i will worry for you
i won't look at any other girls because my heart is only for you
don't look at any boys because eyour heart is only for me too
sometimes, i'll play with you because if I am always being dragged by you, you'll get bored of me
i won't let you suffer through hardships because I know what it is like to suffer
I will trust you because if we are together, we have to trust each other
I won't let you meet other guys because you are my girl
we won't part because we like each other a lot
I won't let you go because you said you won't leave
I'll be good to you because you said you'll be good to me
I will love you more than how much I love you right now because we would be together for a long time.
I L-O-V-E this kind of guy.
삼순이 : 너 나 좋아하냐?
삼식이 : 좋아하는게 뭔데?
삼순이: 너 나보면 막 두근거리고 내가 더 이뻐 보이구,
너 내가 없을땐 조금 보고싶고,
내가 딴 남자랑 어울리면 화나고,
시도때도 없이 내가 떠오르고 그러냐?
삼식이 : 그럼 나 너 좋아하는거 아닌가보다...
널 보면 두근거리는게 아니라 심장이 터질 것 같아,
더 이뻐 보이는게 아니라 더 이상 이뻐보일수 없을만큼 예쁘고,
조금 보고싶은게 아니라 널 안보면 미칠만큼이나 보고싶다.
다른 남자와 어울리면 화나냐고?
화나는 정도가 아니라 그 자식을 죽이고 싶을만큼 괴로워.
니가 시도때도없이 떠오르는게 아니라 ,
한시도 떠나지않고 떠오른다.
그럼 이건 좋아하는게 아닌거맞지..
Sam-soon-ee: do you like me?
Sam-shik-ee: what is the definition of liking someone?
Sam-soon-ee: you know, it‘s like
when you see me, your heart beats fast and i look a bit prettier
When i‘m not there, you kinda want to see me
When i‘m with another guy, you get mad
And at any given time and year, you suddenly remember me. That kind of a thing.
Sam-shik-ee: then i must not like you. See,
When i see you, my heart does not pound. I feel like it will burst.
You don‘t look a bit pretty. You look so pretty that no one could possibly be prettier than you are.
I don‘t kinda want to see you, if i don‘t see you, i think i‘m gonna go crazy.
Am i mad when you hang out with other guys? Mad isn‘t even the word to describe it. I‘m in so much pain that I want to kill him.
I don‘t remember you at any given time and year, I remember you every single second.
Then this isn‘t liking you right?
NATASHA ANGELS HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
hey guyz here is your one and only natasha angels heart with another hot quotes abt love lol...!!!
Am sorry for those who dont like quotes abt love,this time i have translated in korean too. so its pretty easy to get straight to your "oblangata"...enjoy kkk
korean love quotes translations
내 눈엔...
너 만 보인다는말...
난...거짓말이라고 생각해...
내눈엔 많은 사람들이 보여..
그 치만..그 많은 사람들 중에서
" 너만을 찾게돼..."
In my eyes...
The saying that you're the only one I see...
That, I believe is a lie...
In my eyes, I see a lot of people...
But, throughout that group of people,
I only search for you.
"첫눈에 반하는것... 일분 걸린다.
누군가를 좋아하게 되는것... 한시간.
누군가를 사랑하게 되는 시간... 하루..
누군가를 잊는것... 평생 걸린다.."
-진주 목걸이
It takes one minute to fall in love at first sight...
One hour to like someone...
One day to love someone...
And a lifetime to forget someone...
좋아했던 그사람한테 문자를 보냈어
용기가 없어서; 번호없이 문자를보냈어
그리고 얼마후에 번호없이 문자가왔어
To that person I like, I sent that person a text message.
I sent this without a number (so that person wouldn't know who sent it, because that person was shy)
"I want to see you"
And then, after a while I got a text message without a number that said..
"Me too."
" 내 눈은 너만 찾고
내 머리가 너만 기억하고 있고
내 입이 니 이름안 외치고 있잖아
이젠 나 어떻하면 좋니?
내 맘은 너밖에 없는데
미칠겄 갔은데 ...
"My eyes only find you
My mind only remembers you
I'm only yelling your name
What am I supposed to do?
My heart only knows you ..
I think I'm going to go crazy ... "
사랑이란건.. 비오는날 우산을 씌워주는게 아니라...
같이 함께 비를 맞는것이다..
love is.... not giving an umbrella when it's a rainy day
but walking together in the rain.
"첫눈에 반하는것... 일분 걸린다.
누군가를 좋아하게 되는것... 한시간.
누군가를 사랑하게 되는 시간... 하루..
누군가를 잊는것... 평생 걸린다.."
Falling for someone when you first see takes a minute
Getting to like hour
Getting to love day
Forgetting that takes a lifetime.
"내가 '사랑한다' 말하며
그댄 '미안하다' 하겟죠"
If I tell you that I love you,
All you'll probably say to me is "I'm sorry"
" 널 그리다 .. 지우다 .. 다시또 꿈꾼다 ... "
"I'll draw you, then erase you...but dream of you again"
살고 싶어서 사는 사람은 없다.
모두다 사랑을 하고 싶어서 산다.
내가 너 없이 못 사는 것처럼...
너 하나를 위해서 산다.
Nobody lives because they want to,
They live so they can love someone.
Just like how I can't like without you,
I live for you.
I love you.
기다리는 법은 아는데,
다가가는 법을 모른다.
사랑하는 법은 아는데,
표현하는 법을 모른다.
내 마음은 아는데,
너의 마음을 모른다.
내가 널 얼마나 사랑하고 아껴도,
너의 대한것은 많이 모를것이다..
넌 아직 내남자가 아니기에..
I know how to wait ,
but I don't know how to approach.
I know how to love,
but I don't know how to express it.
I know how I feel about you,
but I don't know how you feel.
I know that although I love you so much and care for you,
I wouldn't know that much about you...
Why you ask?
Because you're not my guy yet...
사랑은 파트너쉽이 아니야
그냥 주고 또 주고... 자신이 가진것 몽땅 주고
더 주고싶은 마음이 사랑이래...
-이재인 (강동원)
Love is not a partnership
Just giving and giving more... wanting to give more
after giving everything you have, that's what love is.
-Lee Jae In (Kang Dong Won)
하늘에 소중한건 별이고
땅에게 소중한건 꽃이고
나에게 소중한건 당신입니다
To the sky a star is precious
To the earth a flower is precious
What's precious to me is you
내가 이 지구의 태어나서 너를 만난서 너무 감사해.
I'm so glad I was born on earth and met you.
니가 없었으면 후회만 했을꺼야.
I will regret it if ur not here.
너 없이는 숨을 못쉰다는 그런말은 않 할께.
I will never say that without you i will never be able to breathe
그런데, 난 다시 태어나도 너랑 같이 함께 있고 싶다는 말 하고 싶어.
But, I wanna tell you that if i'm born again, I want to be with you.
지금 널 만난 내 자신은... 니가 없으면 죽을꺼 같으니깐.
My truth about meeting you... if ur not here, i feel like dying
니가 내 근처에 없는걸 상상을 못하기에...
i can't imagine you not by my side.
하루종일 펑펑 울다가 어떡해 될질 잘 몰르겠어.
Everyday crying, I dont no wats going to happen.
너무 힘들꺼 같아.
I think it'll be too hard
사람의 인생은 아주 짧아, 하지만 그 짧은 시간을 너와 함께 하고 싶어.
People's lives are very short, during those short lives. i want to be with u
너를 영원히 사랑할께.
I will love you forever
i love you
간섭할꺼다 자격있으니깐
I'm going to look after u cause i have the right too
니가 손 안 잡아주면 내가 먼저 잡을꺼다 내꺼니깐
if u dont hold my hands, im going to hold ur hands first
니 친구들한테 잘할거다 니가 좋아하는 사람들이니깐
im going to be a good person to ur friends since those r the people u love
안아플거다 니가 걱정하니깐
im not going to be sick cause ur going to worry about me
dont be sick cause ill be worried about u
다른여자안볼꺼다 내 마음 하나니깐♡
i wont look at any other girls cause ur the only girl in my heart
다른남자 보지마라 니 마음도 하나일테니깐
dont look at other guys cause in ur heart in the only one in it
많은 사람들이랑 같이있어도 니 옆에만 서있을꺼다 니 남자니깐
even when im surrounded my many ppl ill always be by ur side cause im ur man
아무여자옆에서 술안먹을꺼다 손잡아주는사람없으니깐
ill never drink in front of any other girls because there wont be a person who will grab on to my hands(?)
가끔씩은 팅길꺼다 내가 너무 끌려가면 니가 질려할테니
Somtimes ill be mean to you. When u only see one side of m, you'll get tired of me
힘들게 안할거다 나도 힘들어봤으니깐
i'll never make u tired because i kno how it feels like begin tired
믿을꺼다 사귀면 믿어야하니깐
ill trust u because when u go out with someone, ur suppose to trust them
다른 남자 못만나게 할거다 내 여자니깐♥
ill never let u meet other guys cause ur my girl
안헤어질거다 많이 좋아하니깐♡
ill never break uo with u because i love you a lot
안보내줄거다 안간다 했으니깐
im not going to let go of u because u said u'll never leave me
잘할거다 니도 잘한다고했으니깐
im going to be a good person to u because u said you'll be a good person to me
지금보다 더 많이 좋아할거다 앞으로도오랫동안같이 있을거니깐..♥
im going to love u more than i do right now because from now on im going to be with u for a very long time
i love these kind of guys
그는 오지 않아
he;s not coming back
응 알고있어
그 사람을 기다리는게 아니야
yeah i konw
i'm not waiting for that person
그 사람에게로 간 내 마음
내 마음이 돌아오길 기다려
i waiting for my heart
my heart that went to him
한여자가 한남자에게 물었다,
"그녀와 당신은 무슨 사이인가요..?"
"애인사이? 사랑하는 사이?"
그남자는 아무말도 하지않았다..
오직 이말뿐..
"내 목숨.."
one women asked one man
'what relationship are you with her?"
"boyfriend girlfriend? lovers?'
the guy didn't say anything...
but this...
'my life.'
좋은 옷 보면 생각나는 거, 그게 사랑이야.
맛있는 거 보면 같이 먹고 싶고
좋은 경치 보면 같이 보고 싶은 거
나쁜게 아니라 좋은 거 있을 때
여기 그 사람이 있었으면 좋겠다, 생각하는 거
그게 사랑인 거야. 그건 누가 많이 가지고
누가 적게 가지고 있어서
그러는 게 아닌 거야.
나쁜 게 아니라, 좋은 거 있을 때
여기 그 사람이 있었으면 좋겠다, 생각하는 거
그게 사랑인 거야.
When you see pretty clothes, that person you think of, that's love.
When you see something yummy, you want to share it with them
When you see pretty scenery, you want to see it with them
Not bad things, but when there are good things ..
"I wish that person was here with me" .. thinking like that
That's what love is. It's not who has a lot
and who doesn't have much
It's not like that
Not bad things, but when there are good things ..
"I wish that person was here with me" .. thinking like that
That's what love is.
마지막으로 그녀가 나한테 물었다, "사랑이 뭘까...?"
내가 대답했다, "... 바로 너."
for the very last time, she asked me "what do you think love is...?"
i answered, "'s you."
"안돼!!!! 나만 봐!!!"
"Nooo!!!! only look at me!!!"
"넌 내꺼야!"
"You're mine!"
my legs are shaking
my mind is confused (?)
my heart is tangled
my tears are stained
I can't grasp why I'm so sad.
I can't treat the pains in my heart
and you see me like this..
still are you happy?
내 다리가 후들거리고 있는데
내 마음이 휘청거리고 있는데
내 가슴이 엉켜져버렸는데
내 눈물이 얼룩져버렸는데
내 슬픔은 걷잡을 수도 없는데
내 아픔은 치유될 수도 없는데
이런 내 모습을 보고도
넌 정말 행복해 ?
i miss you.. like crazy
간섭할꺼다 자격있으니깐
니가 손 안 잡아주면 내가 먼저 잡을꺼다 내꺼니깐
니 친구들한테 잘할거다 니가 좋아하는 사람들이니깐
안아플거다 니가 걱정하니깐
다른여자안볼꺼다 내 마음 하나니깐♡
다른남자 보지마라 니 마음도 하나일테니깐
많은 사람들이랑 같이있어도 니 옆에만 서있을꺼다 니 남자니깐
아무여자옆에서 술안먹을꺼다 손잡아주는사람없으니깐
가끔씩은 팅길꺼다 내가 너무 끌려가면 니가 질려할테니깐
힘들게 안할거다 나도 힘들어봤으니깐
믿을꺼다 사귀면 믿어야하니깐
다른 남자 못만나게 할거다 내 여자니깐♥
안헤어질거다 많이 좋아하니깐♡
안보내줄거다 안간다 했으니깐
잘할거다 니도 잘한다고했으니깐
지금보다 더 많이 좋아할거다 앞으로도오랫동안같이 있을거니깐..♥
i'm going to annoy you.. because i have the right to do so
if you are not going to hold my hand, then i will because it's mine
i won't be in pain because you will always worry for me
don't be in pain because i will worry for you
i won't look at any other girls because my heart is only for you
don't look at any boys because eyour heart is only for me too
sometimes, i'll play with you because if I am always being dragged by you, you'll get bored of me
i won't let you suffer through hardships because I know what it is like to suffer
I will trust you because if we are together, we have to trust each other
I won't let you meet other guys because you are my girl
we won't part because we like each other a lot
I won't let you go because you said you won't leave
I'll be good to you because you said you'll be good to me
I will love you more than how much I love you right now because we would be together for a long time.
I L-O-V-E this kind of guy.
삼순이 : 너 나 좋아하냐?
삼식이 : 좋아하는게 뭔데?
삼순이: 너 나보면 막 두근거리고 내가 더 이뻐 보이구,
너 내가 없을땐 조금 보고싶고,
내가 딴 남자랑 어울리면 화나고,
시도때도 없이 내가 떠오르고 그러냐?
삼식이 : 그럼 나 너 좋아하는거 아닌가보다...
널 보면 두근거리는게 아니라 심장이 터질 것 같아,
더 이뻐 보이는게 아니라 더 이상 이뻐보일수 없을만큼 예쁘고,
조금 보고싶은게 아니라 널 안보면 미칠만큼이나 보고싶다.
다른 남자와 어울리면 화나냐고?
화나는 정도가 아니라 그 자식을 죽이고 싶을만큼 괴로워.
니가 시도때도없이 떠오르는게 아니라 ,
한시도 떠나지않고 떠오른다.
그럼 이건 좋아하는게 아닌거맞지..
Sam-soon-ee: do you like me?
Sam-shik-ee: what is the definition of liking someone?
Sam-soon-ee: you know, it‘s like
when you see me, your heart beats fast and i look a bit prettier
When i‘m not there, you kinda want to see me
When i‘m with another guy, you get mad
And at any given time and year, you suddenly remember me. That kind of a thing.
Sam-shik-ee: then i must not like you. See,
When i see you, my heart does not pound. I feel like it will burst.
You don‘t look a bit pretty. You look so pretty that no one could possibly be prettier than you are.
I don‘t kinda want to see you, if i don‘t see you, i think i‘m gonna go crazy.
Am i mad when you hang out with other guys? Mad isn‘t even the word to describe it. I‘m in so much pain that I want to kill him.
I don‘t remember you at any given time and year, I remember you every single second.
Then this isn‘t liking you right?
NATASHA ANGELS HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
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